Sunday, 31 January 2016

Halfway Point

So it’s halfway through the placement and what an interesting, challenging and fun few weeks it’s been!
I’m in a primary school north of Valencia in a rather suburban area. The first week was all about settling in and getting to know my school, their way of working and the students. The commute from Moncada to school was a bit burdensome at first, but I’m actually quite pleased that I get to see more of my surroundings and work in an authentic Spanish environment.  
One of my biggest fears post-CELTA was working with young learners (quite an understatement really!) Two weeks in and I can already say that this experience has shifted my perspective and feelings about YLs (thank you Jen for all the brilliant ideas, games and tips). It turns out that I have more patience than I realised. My students are enthusiastic, keen to learn English and are generally adorable which really helps J
My school has adopted the bilingual approach so half the curriculum is taught in English and the other in Spanish. In addition to English, I also teach Science and assist with Art. To anyone in the next placement doing CLIL subjects - don’t be afraid! The course books and scheme of work offers plenty of guidance and isn’t hard to get to grips with.
On the other hand one of the most challenging things for us EFL teachers has been witnessing teaching methodologies that differ from our own. I think we’ve all had to come to terms with finding the balance between teaching in the way we’ve been trained to, and acknowledging how things are done on the ground. I’ve tried some of the games and activities that we discovered at Newland Park and my students absolutely loved it!  Hangman, chants, you name it….

On a personal note Valencia is fab. I visited the city two years ago and am thrilled to have a longer stint here. There’s plenty to see and do. The Bioparc comes highly recommended from Caroline and I (but will set you back €24). Ruzafa is great for drinks and dinner, and seems to be the locals’ place of choice. You’ll find everything from tapas to sushi and burger joints.

Until next time

Raynal xxx


Saturday, 30 January 2016

End of week 2: The silence of the plans

The end of week 2  in Valencia. Been great so far: soaked up some culture, some sun and I teach English from time to time :P. The students have finally warmed to me now, thanks in part to how my teaching style differs from their usual teachers and I’m feeling more a part of the school than I did after my first week.
Still 2 weeks left, but already my minds on the next adventure.
I’ve had 2 interviews in the last week over the internet with schools in China. The first (in Shanghai) has already offered me a position and the second (in Beijing) has requested a videoed 20min demo lesson to base their judgement on. Both schools look great and I’d be happy with either but (as someone who knows practically nothing about Chinese cities or culture and is primarily talking out of his arse) I’d definitely prefer to be in Beijing. In all likelihood it will take 1 - 2 months to get all the paperwork sorted so I could be flying out as soon as late March. 
All of a sudden life seems to be picking up some momentum.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Week 2

So, I'm in the midst of week two now. And I tell you what, it's going really quick! Honestly.

Well firstly, let me inform you of my three day weekend. Yes you read that right. There was a bank holiday in Valencia on the Friday so a well needed extended weekend took place. On Friday night, me, Jody, Rhiannon and Diana went to Café de las Horas for some Agua de Valencia. This is a cocktail that contains champagne, orange juice, vodka and gin. You have to try it at this place, it does the best and it's so yummy! The inside of the café is also gothic and beautiful. Really great vibes there.

On Saturday, I met up with some of the Moncada and showed them around Valencia. It was lovely to see them. It felt like it had been ages and it was like a reunion. It was interesting to hear about what their experiences have been like. We had a three course lunch, during which Ed kept saying 'muchos grascias' every time the waitress came and brought out food or took away our plates. We and the waitress found this very amusing as in Spain it's not necessary to say thank you all the time. After lunch, we went for a walk in Turia Riverbed Park up to the Aquarium. Unfortunately it was shut when we got there. However, the views and modern architecture was stunning and well worth a see. In the evening, we had a drink in this retro looking bar. It was nice to catch-up with Marcelo and Raynal, who joined us later on. We rounded off the day in an Irish pub eating club sandwiches and burgers. I know, shameful! But we were tired! Sunday was my lazy, lesson planning day. But it felt so nice to just sit down and have a quite one.

So back to the here and now. I've done my first two lessons today! I'm absolutely shattered, but pretty happy too. My first lesson went fairly well! From the English lessons I've observed, the students don't do a lot of drilling. So I went drilling mad. I got students to drill in rows with a competitive element. They found this really amusing. I also did a flash drill, where I flashed pictures quickly and they had to identify the correct word which went down a treat. Thanks for this one Jenny! Classroom management wasn't too tricky although I think I need to establish more ground rules. The students on the whole were a really nice class! During class feedback, I nominated a student and then got them to nominate the next person. They really liked doing this. They really like it when you give them a context and get them involved, so don't be afraid of this! Some things I will say is you really don't have long (50 minutes) and it's really hard to get through all the course book material given to you. I did feel a bit like a was racing against the clock.

My other class was more challenging. There were 33 teenage boys in the class so as you can imagine classroom management is hard work! I felt I had to put on a slightly stricter persona and was a little more didactic which I don't like doing. But hey ho, I elicited quite a bit from them and they were engaged a fair few times throughout. Just, be extra careful with these E-workbooks because I kept accidently revealing the answers prematurely in which they quickly jotted down! Katy, who is the teacher of the class, was so sweet afterwards and said I was a natural. That meant a lot. Guys, honestly you can't be perfect in classes this size, so just be prepared for repeating yourself a few times and being patient and ok with it.

Life at the apartment is going pretty well. The washing machine has been are biggest problem. It kept not turning on. We discovered it's very temperamental and won't work if you put too many clothes inside it. We all get on really well, which is just as well in such a small living quarter. I couldn't have asked for a bunch of nicer, interesting and supportive housemates. Thank you guys for making this experience that much easier and nicer.

I have primary these next three days so will let you know how these go. Until next time.. aka when I have time!

Hasta luego,
Caroline xxx

Training week

I got a place on the training week at very short notice so I wasn't able to form many preconceptions about it, mostly I was just concerned with getting the forms filled out and my packing done. We arrived for the training week near Chalfont St Giles early on Monday, there we met Carolyn and Jenn (for Talli and I the first time in person). We then had a getting to know you, session with the other trainees who are a diverse bunch, lots of different ages and backgrounds.

The training week itself was demanding but always interesting; Carolyn, Jenn and Raff were all excellent for providing training, information and support. It felt good to be learning new things with new people (as well as a few that we already knew from our CELTA course). In addition to the specifically TEFL focussed training we also were given useful instruction in Spanish, sports leadership and a three-hour session on first aid, something I very much appreciated and enjoyed, I will doubtless expand on what I learned in that session.

I would describe the week as a little like a single week of CELTA though not as intense or stressful, the number of trainees was also higher. Like CELTA I need my coffee to get through and I'd advise any future trainees to bring some snacks for the duration.

It's now just over two weeks till we fly out to Spain to teach for four weeks, something I'm excited to do (and not only to get away from the UK winter weather though that will be a definite plus). I'm sure we will have more new and interesting experiences and gain valuable skills and knowledge.

Who says teaching is stressful?

Friday, 22 January 2016

Training week: Chalfont, Challenges, Costa Coffee and Carbs.

Training week was a packed but highly beneficial week. I wasn’t really sure what to expect and I guess I had jumped to conclusions that I would be working with mainly post-uni students looking to move onto a new career. However, I was pleasantly surprised to meet such a variety of people of all ages and backgrounds. I didn’t expect to meet people with previous teaching experience but this turned out to be very valuable in discussions as did a lot of the input from my fellow trainees. Thanks team! It was great meeting you all!

Jen, Carolyn and Raff, thank you, thank you, thank you for your knowledge, training and support through the week. I enjoyed learning about how to add to my existing CELTA knowledge. I particularly enjoyed learning about the practical things I could use in lessons and how to adapt lessons to different age groups and levels. I liked the session on drills and chanting as this is not something I have approached before, I’m sure I’ll have more confidence to attempt this when I go! Much of the training connected well with similar themes we covered in CELTA, adapting to your learners and making sure students are able to input as much as possible. 
This was a great extension to CELTA and brought to light some new challenges we’ll all face! 

Since training week, it seems the initial lesson planning is the thing I worry about most. I just have no idea what to expect but I’m keen to get going! It’s great to know that I’ll be with fellow teachers that I really got on well with. This also bodes well for a sangria-infused afternoon on my birthday which falls on the second Sunday we are there. Yay!

I’m pleased to have some time at home before heading off to Spain. I think I need a bit of time to process everything. I also hope to revise a bit of Spanish before going so I can at least order a much needed cafe con leche on my Monday morning commute without too much fuss. Let’s hope, hey?

To all those already teaching, I hope it's going well! 

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Day 3 and 4 in Valencia

So, I met my primary classes on Wednesday and Thursday and they are so cute! I have two year 6 classes of about 30 students. Carmen, the primary teacher, was absolutely lovely and seemed really excited to have a native speaker in the class and is happy for me to do lots of active, task-based activities and take free reign with the textbook. For next week's lesson I am doing vocabulary surrounding activities that we do with friends. Carmen has given me flashcards, yippie! Jenny - I might actually be able to try out lots of the ideas you gave us in your drilling workshop! The lesson also involves a rap and acting out flashcards. I will update you on how it goes!

I'm also doing CLIL Art with both year 6 classes. This so far involves me explaining the art book tasks in English and admiring the students work and asking about it in English. It's so sweet the way the students are super excited to show you their work and ask if you like it. Today they drew lines and colours to express how they were feeling. They (I hope) learnt a few new words around 'feelings' in the process of being creative.

Finally, I mentioned in my last blog post about the door opening fiasco. Well, behold, I have pictures (kindly sent to me by Jody on WhatsApp) of this event. Please enjoy. I also attach some photos I took in the Turia Riverbed Park which expands along the city. It's right by the school and it is absolute bliss to go walking there in the sun and warmth whenever I have free time.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Day 3 and 4 - hair force one

Tuesday and Wednesday are the busiest days on my weekly timetable but today's lessons were all crammmed in from 8 till 1 today which I can't complain about.

During my now customary introduction to the class I showed the students my driver license featuring myself with long hair. One of the girls actually screamed! This is why I cut my hair before becoming a teacher.

I have a functional language lesson to plan for next week based around buying a present for a friend and using comparatives. Took this is a great opportunity to do imaginary secret Santa. All the students have the names of a classmate and they have until the lesson on Tuesday to think up a present for that person based on what they know. Then in the lesson we are going to find out what people got each other and compare presents and see who likes what.

Had an explore yesterday in my lunch break. Got to see the park and some of the city centre. Was beautiful and seemingly garrisoned by a guerrilla force of mangy looking cats.

Headed home to make fajitas for tomorrow s lunch and maybe chill con carne for today's.

Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. :)

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

First couples of days

Well it's all been a bit of a whirlwind! We left Newland Park at 3:45am and had a big surprise when we saw it was snowing outside! The snow only managed to delay our flight by an hour. We had to wait for our plane to be 'de-iced' as they say.

Once we landed in Valencia, we were greeted by Alica and went on board a coach. Some of the group dropped of their luggage in their apartments. We were then taken to SCHOLA and were given a presentation and lovely Spanish spread laid out for us. After this me, Diana, Jody and Rhiannon were taken to our flat in Valencia. We then discovered we would be sharing twin bedrooms and one bathroom. Four women and one bathroom. Mission impossible you might say. But we are finding ways around it. A military operation in progress. The bedroom sharing also involves quite a bit of tip-toeing about night time when getting into bed. We have been bonding over this all and get on very well though of which I'm very pleased about. We've shared in lots of laughter and a tad bit a of moaning on the side. But hey ho, it's still a bonding process.

On the first evening, we decided to pop out in Valencia to find our schools. When leaving our building we could not open the door to get outside. We were pulling and pushing ferociously, turning this and that. But the door just would not open. Rhiannon (the only one who speaks fluent Spanish out of all of us) had to knock on a neighbours door and ask how we get out! The neighbour kindly showed us the buzzer to get out and was excited to speak a bit of English. We relaxed a lot more when we saw our beautiful surroundings. The park was truly delightful. The sun, the warm breeze, being able to finally stretch our leg. Bliss. We had an early night that evening!

Ok now for the most important part. My school! So, me and Jody arrived at our school and were greeted by our lovely tutor Maria. We had a quick tour around and were straight into our first classroom. Luckily these first few days involve observing, getting-to-know my teachers and students and getting familiar with the HUGE school building which literally covers kindergarten to college. It has been vey interesting seeing the teachers' style of teaching and how they teach English here in Spain. I can see a lot of focus on grammar and getting through workbooks. I'm looking forward to starting to plan and deliver lessons now, in which I can try out some more practical activities.

So far I have seen many of my 16-17 year olds classes (varying levels) and my 12-13 year old class. The classes are very big with 40 students. I can see this makes setting group work and monitoring everyone very difficult for the teachers, because the lack of space left in the classroom.

The students have been very interested in mine and Jody's arrival and have been very keen to ask us lots of questions. One does feel a bit like a celebrity when the kids spot me outside the school and shout my name out and wave. It also always seems to make them chuckle when they hear the way 'Caroline' is pronounced. The 12-13 year old class were so cute! They all came running up to me, gathering in a huge circle.

I'm very much looking forward to my primary classes tomorrow. First time I meet them. I'm still getting use to all this. Our teachers have been so kind and welcoming and really helped us in settling in. There is still so much to say, but it's 23:30 and I'm absolutely shattered so will update you with more soon.

Night x

Monday, 18 January 2016

Day 2 - Front and Centre

Induction in my new school today. The kids were loud and enthusiastic and while there wasn't much I had to do today I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its a new place full of strangers and new challenges so I'm naturally apprehensive but I can't see that lasting for very long.

Just cooked and ate my own food for the first time in 8 days. Feels like its been so much longer.

Relaxed and planning the week ahead.

Training week..

Although we knew what was on the schedule, I don’t think any of us could anticipate how beneficial the training week in Newland Park would be. The fresh-faced “UKLCers” arrived on Monday for a day of introductions, activities and workshops, and by the end of day 1, our brains had already taken a good beating (as well as our stomachs from the canteen – big up Paramjit our canteen angel). We stuck to the motto “nothing a wee wine (or 3) cant fix” and before day 2 had even begun, we were well on our way to forming life long friendships.
For the rest of the week a typical day pretty much followed the pattern of: eat, work, eat, work, eat, work, wine. Although it was a lot of work, there were a lot of laughs too.

Carolyn, Jenny and Raff certainly pulled out all the stops facilitating us all, and truly did a great job of making this week a positive challenge for everyone involved. We were able to learn from others, share and experiment with our existing knowledge and experiences, as well as cover things we had learnt and forgotten from our own TESOL courses. The thing I was most terrified about going into the week was being the least experienced person with the least knowledge and I would make a complete fool out of myself. I managed to do the latter naturally, however at no point was I made to feel stupid or uncomfortable by any of my tutors or peers, and if anything we were all able to take out of the experience more than what we put in. I have now come away from the training week with a better confidence to teach as well as loads of new tips and ideas. I feel better prepared to take the placement as it comes, and even embrace when I make mistakes because lets face it, it’s going to happen!
On Monday Carolyn asked us to write letters to our future selves to read at the end of the week.  Mine read “put into this week all you’ve got.. relax, stay positive and have fun!” And that’s exactly what I did.

The first group have already completed day 1 of their placement, and I’m so excited for them and to hear how they are getting on. Although some are slightly apprehensive, I’m sure the last week has equipped them with the knowledge and confidence to take on the challenge and I hope they will enjoy every minute they spend with their students.

I’m so so excited for the challenges that February holds for myself and the others on the 2nd placement. I’m sure it will not disappoint. On the 4 week Countdown to Valencia!!

Sunday, 17 January 2016

A letter from Gandia

We four are happily settled in Gandia, a delightful town on the Costa del Azahar (Blossom Coast) some 65km south of the rest of you.

The town is the ancient home of Lucretia and the rest of the Borjas - their statues grace the entrance to main Escolapios.

Our apartment is wonderful; our host and guide Gema is charming, generous and endlessly helpful.

We're all quite knackered. It's been a long day and Stalag von Chalfont seems a whole world away. We've enjoyed a walk around the town and been introduced to the owner of the Best Little Tapas Bar in Gandia. An early night is in order before a full and exciting day tomorrow.

Buenos noches, from

Richard, Bill, Amanda & Audrey

Journey of the stranger

Well where can I start, 1st day at training, this was very strange indeed especially as I travelled through the bushes and forest, leaving the world behind me to tackle a world that was unknown to me. This felt like my 1st day at boarding school in Uganda going up the hill to unfinished school that I had never heard of. Was I sure what I was getting myself into No, but well I was pumped to explore the unknown.
As I looked at my brother drive away it felt like that day my uncle and mom left me in that new school, then the similarities occured, a familiar face popped well all the way from Newcastle Carolyn. Well for those wondering what is the connection between an African Ugandan man and a Newcastlenian, FYI my immediate boss always smiling and supportive. That,s the connection smiling and laughing Jenn sidekick style. well since I was here I thought let me make the most of it.

Started apprehensive, saw familiar faces and the rest is like the Africans say stories of the past, week was intensive, very informative, interractive, brilliant team. Just awesome apart from the fact that I nearly ate the wrong food on a number of occasions FYI Only eat that which is halal. This is one of the most productive teaching time I have spent on learning and how greatful am I to the wonderful UKLC team right from Jenn and Carolyn, Laura, 1st aid Keith, Spanish tutor, Raffeale, Laura and the cooks and cleaners in Chelfont. Thank you am not one to complain alot so greatly appreciate everyone thank you.

Trip to Spain was flawless, worried about the weight of my luggage but thank GOD all went through, including my noodles which have come in handy this evening as I needed some kind of food. The ears as the plane dropped I thought were going to pop out of my skull, 1st time on a plane in 11 years. Before you start saying anything crazy yes i know ,,,,, but was great experience reminded me of the 1st time i landed in UK Erith. That's another tale for another day shirtless men in summer am like people need to have some respect, people on a train with paint and lining up for buses, I was like these guys must have alot of time on their hands.  Cherios looking forward to this week and exploring my hidden skills if I have any;;;;;;;;

Valencia - Day 1

Had a great time meeting the folks from Schola, getting a free lunch and finding out a bit more about our placements. It wasn't long however before we were all shipped out to our assorted lodgings and I found myself beginning the arduous task of unpacking.

After being dropped off at our home for the next month, Faisal and myself set out in search of food. We did not realise that everything ---EVERYTHING--- would be closed. Nor that the metro timetable seemingly does not apply to Sundays. It was a lot of walking without much to show for it. Lets call it an educational day. 

The first of many.

For those about to teach......

Good luck!! Really looking forward to hearing all your news x

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Gatwick departures 6.30am. Feeling excited & just a tad apprehensive. Real organic coffee from Pret went down a treat. Good luck everyone ☺

Training week

Well what a week it’s been! I decided to visit family in London the weekend before training commenced. So, I set off Monday morning on the tube with a big suitcase and backpack in the middle of rush hour. Oh boy did the locals give me dirty looks! However, when I got to Marylebone things were much more civilised. I then recognized Oli, Amanda and Audrey at the station from my interview day and we got the train to Gerrard’s Cross together. We then saw Edd at the station and got into two taxis together and made our way to Newland Park.

When arriving into the training room for the first time on Monday, I was a little nervous. But after a few warmers, get-to-know-you activities and an introduction from Carolyn and Jenny, I had a really good feeling about the week ahead. I also wondered where the others from the Cardiff contingent had got too. It turns out they broke down just 20 minutes into their journey time! They arrived slightly later than they’d hope and missed lunch! Not the best start guys! ;)

Monday involved an introduction to young learners. It was a very useful introduction to the content of the week ahead. We also delved into task-based language teaching and its benefits for young learners. Believe it or not, there is more to teaching English than the typical PPP approach! I’m definitely excited to try TBLT out for real in Spain. Monday night involved heading off to the bar for some vino time and getting to know one another.

Then came Tuesday. A very early start. Breakfast at 8am and back to the training room for 9am. We were greeted by the wonderful Raphael. Who by the way is Italian, but you really cannot tell by his accent! Raphael covered being prepared for the unprepared in the classroom and the way a teacher is performative in the classroom. He also led a lesson in Italian which gave a nice flavour of what we are doing. We only had Raphael for Tuesday and Wednesday, but I cannot thank him enough for his very informative sessions and his honesty and humour mixed in. He also used to play Ryan in High School Musical in Italy. The man has so many strings to his bow.   

Our group who are going on the first placement also found out more about where we are working in Spain. I’m in Valencia downtown with Diana, Rhiannon and Jody. Jody and I are working in the same school; a semi private school located in Valencia. I will be teaching mostly secondary students from 12 – 17 years old. There will also be some sessions with primary students and one to one lessons with adults. I am very happy with what I’ve got and will certainly get to cover and practice all bases.

On the Tuesday evening, we met Celine and looked at how to improve CV’s and learnt more about working for UKLC in the summer. Celine was lovely and it really showed how close all the UKLC team are.

On Wednesday, we split up in the morning into our placement groups. We had lots of useful tips from Jenny on how to manage young learners, including the ‘wake up, shake up’ warmer song. We looked at the importance of routines in the classroom and getting student’s attention. Jenny has so much energy and is so bubbly. You can imagine how much her young learners love her. In the afternoon we looked at drilling and chanting with Jenny as a whole group. Fair play to Jenny, we were all flagging at this point, but she managed to keep us all going. We had free time on Wednesday evening. Well needed too! Which meant socialising in one of the classrooms with some alcohol (Richard kindly drove to Tesco to buy it). It was a very good night and I got to know people a lot better.

Thursday was a very long day. 9am until 21:30. But oh boy did we cover a lot. Spanish lessons, sports leadership and First aid all in one day! I’d just like to mention I was slightly nervous about sports leadership as I’m not the sporty type, but I absolutely loved it! So many useful tips on how to lead sports games and how to be a good leader. It was also a great bonding experience for us in the first placement group with lots of laughter and special moments. Such as Jody who wasn’t very keen about catching balls who won the ‘catch and clap’ game. We were all absolutely shattered on Thursday night and went straight to bed. A well-deserved early night!

On Friday we looked at presenting grammar to young learners and lots of games one can use in the classroom. Friday was also a little sad as the placement group had to leave us. It’s sad to see them go as we built up such a rapport with one another and were all very supportive of each other. There’s been a real sense of community and like-mindedness from everyone this week. This week brought together a room full of 30 adults who come from all different backgrounds and ages but yet all support one another and enjoy what we do. So group 2, I really wish you all the best when you head off to Spain!

I’m off to Spain tomorrow and am feeling a lot more confident and prepared for what is ahead.  I just want to say a massive thank you to Carolyn, Jenny, Raff, Laura, Keith, Celine and the Spanish teacher for this week. Especially Caro for organising such a huge project! Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving us lots of great ideas, tips and activities to chew over and test out in Spain.

Other highlights from this week include Oli’s pineapple jacket becoming a running joke throughout the whole week, Roisin saying ‘bollocks’ in the middle of mime game and the moaning from us all about the inedible toast at breakfast!

Right, that’s it from me. I need to head off now to eat some dinner and pack. We’re up at 3am tomorrow! Wish us all luck on the next step of our adventure. And thank gosh I’m not teaching first thing on Monday and can settle in and get to know the school and my classes first.

Hasta luego,


The first step...

I awoke to the first frosts of the English winter covering the grass and surroundings in an ice like embrace. It’s the end of the training week at the Newlands park accommodation we have learned and covered a wide range of subjects and techniques to prepare us for a time in Spain. I’m am very tired and cold but this can seen has a sign of a mind that has been worked and molded into perfection compared to the week before when I was anxious and not too sure what to expect. We fly off tomorrow in the dead the of night being swept away by British airways to an almost opposite land of sunshine and sand in Valencia, acting has a refresh compared to the bitterly cold weather we have faced in the last two days.     

I look forward to practicing all the skills and techniques I have learned in the last couple of days with a new fresh class of Spanish students and hopefully help them to progress in their development. I’m a bit tired to continue for now but look forward to sharing my experiences as the happen.