Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Day 3 and 4 - hair force one

Tuesday and Wednesday are the busiest days on my weekly timetable but today's lessons were all crammmed in from 8 till 1 today which I can't complain about.

During my now customary introduction to the class I showed the students my driver license featuring myself with long hair. One of the girls actually screamed! This is why I cut my hair before becoming a teacher.

I have a functional language lesson to plan for next week based around buying a present for a friend and using comparatives. Took this is a great opportunity to do imaginary secret Santa. All the students have the names of a classmate and they have until the lesson on Tuesday to think up a present for that person based on what they know. Then in the lesson we are going to find out what people got each other and compare presents and see who likes what.

Had an explore yesterday in my lunch break. Got to see the park and some of the city centre. Was beautiful and seemingly garrisoned by a guerrilla force of mangy looking cats.

Headed home to make fajitas for tomorrow s lunch and maybe chill con carne for today's.

Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. :)

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