Friday, 22 January 2016

Training week: Chalfont, Challenges, Costa Coffee and Carbs.

Training week was a packed but highly beneficial week. I wasn’t really sure what to expect and I guess I had jumped to conclusions that I would be working with mainly post-uni students looking to move onto a new career. However, I was pleasantly surprised to meet such a variety of people of all ages and backgrounds. I didn’t expect to meet people with previous teaching experience but this turned out to be very valuable in discussions as did a lot of the input from my fellow trainees. Thanks team! It was great meeting you all!

Jen, Carolyn and Raff, thank you, thank you, thank you for your knowledge, training and support through the week. I enjoyed learning about how to add to my existing CELTA knowledge. I particularly enjoyed learning about the practical things I could use in lessons and how to adapt lessons to different age groups and levels. I liked the session on drills and chanting as this is not something I have approached before, I’m sure I’ll have more confidence to attempt this when I go! Much of the training connected well with similar themes we covered in CELTA, adapting to your learners and making sure students are able to input as much as possible. 
This was a great extension to CELTA and brought to light some new challenges we’ll all face! 

Since training week, it seems the initial lesson planning is the thing I worry about most. I just have no idea what to expect but I’m keen to get going! It’s great to know that I’ll be with fellow teachers that I really got on well with. This also bodes well for a sangria-infused afternoon on my birthday which falls on the second Sunday we are there. Yay!

I’m pleased to have some time at home before heading off to Spain. I think I need a bit of time to process everything. I also hope to revise a bit of Spanish before going so I can at least order a much needed cafe con leche on my Monday morning commute without too much fuss. Let’s hope, hey?

To all those already teaching, I hope it's going well! 

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